You are someone that is just not feeling "right", but don’t know what to do – you keep getting told, "there is nothing wrong with you"?
An anxious,overwhelmed working mother unable to balance life?
Are you a father who is working so hard for the family, but you are feeling down and keep it to yourself?
Do you and your partner argue too much?
Are there adolescents who are unable to cope with life, irritable and aggressive?
A hardworking individual who is dissatisfied with their job and unable to advance in their career?
Hey, I am Sarah!! I am a certified Kinesiologist and Life Coach who struggled with health issues for over 20 years. I am very happy to say that I am now thriving and I am the mother of two amazing daughters!
I grew up on a farm in Rural NSW, Australia. Life on the farm had it’s challenges and I had to build my resilience through all the ups and downs.
In 1990 I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, but doctors didn’t know about CFS then, so I was repeatedly told there was nothing wrong with me……but deep down, I knew that I wasn’t right.
Everything in my life felt heavy, I was really hard on myself for not being able to keep up with everyone else. I had no idea what “Emotional Intelligence” was. I was not happy in my own skin and I was struggling with constantly feeling physically and emotionally drained.
Ahh! The list just goes on and on...But. I NEVER GAVE UP (although I came so close to giving up so many times)!
Talk about the things that are impacting you.
I often ask, "If I could give you one pill that made your life wonderful, what would that magic pill do?"
Discuss what the main contributors to stress may be.
We will discuss how you would feel if these stressors were removed.
We will discover what the factors could be underlying the reason you are feeling like you are.
3 Natural Stress-Relieving Hacks to gain confidence and clarity.
Learn simple but effective ways to manage your emotions and energy levels.
Finally, a lifelong friend you can turn to for support without fear of being judged:)